Buff & Recoating for Your Wood Floor in Columbia and Baltimore

To rejuvenate the surface of a wooden floor without having to sand and refinish it completely, buffing and recoating are the way to go. Grinding effectively removes minor scratches, scuffs, and wear marks while adequately prepping the surface for a new finish coat.

To preserve the beauty and strength of wood floors in residential and commercial settings, it's crucial to clean them profoundly using buffing and recoating techniques, which professionals must perform. For over three decades, Hydro Clean has been the leading expert in the cleaning industry, delivering top-notch service to customers throughout BaltimoreColumbiaAnnapolis, and elsewhere within our Maryland service area. We also offer services like carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, and many more.

Please consult with us at 410-505-7879 or contact us online today for more information.

workers buff and recoating wooden floor

Signs That You Need Buff and Recoat

Here are some indications that it's time to perform a buff and recoat on your floor:

  • Foot traffic and cleaning agents can wear down the protective finish, causing the floor to lose its luster.
  • Scratches and scuffs on flooring are inevitable, but excessive damage can affect appearance.
  • Sunlight and UV rays can cause floor color to fade.
  • Water spills left unattended can lead to water stains or rings on the floor.
  • If you can see bare wood, your floor's protection is compromised.
  • Foot traffic and debris can cause the floor's surface to be rough or uneven.

Count on Hydro Clean for Buff & Recoating at Your Home

Hydro Clean is ideal for homeowners and businesses needing wood floor buffing and recoating to prevent damage. So call us today at 410-505-7879 or contact us online to make an appointment.

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