How Often Do Ducts Need Cleaning?
No matter how good your filters are, you will need to change the air filters in your building. This becomes even more important as the seasons change. Springtime allergies can be made worse by a dusty interior, and that dusty interior will get even worse if the ducts aren’t cleaned out regularly. If you have pets, then you will need filter changes and duct cleaning even more frequently than if you didn’t.
Generally, the cleanings should be every 2-5 years. When you take better care of your air ducts, you won’t need to clean them out as often. However, in some cases, you will need to defer to professional expertise to make sure that the ducts are sanitized and completely flushed out. If no cleaning has happened for three years, then it is time to make that happen. Even one season after installation can start to cause problems that will make everyone in the building start to cough and sneeze.
When Should Duct Cleaning Happen?
Don’t let this situation happen to you and yours. Clean out the HVAC system and its associated ductwork. Duct cleaning is extremely beneficial. The spring and fall are the best times to do it, so with spring just settling in, this is the right time of year to get it taken care of; that way, you can get rid of any lingering mustiness that can cause strange, suffocating odors.
For best results, you shouldn’t do this task by yourself. Instead, contact experts such as those at Hydro Clean Certified Restoration to visit you at a time that is convenient for you, your employees, and your family members!